Gym Rings and Kettlebells Training Course - GRK

You can read the full description of the course under the Fitness academy page on this website.
There are two ways to complete this course:
1. Self-directed self-assessed - simply watch all instructional videos and learn the Course Textbook. Afterwards, you can take the Test.
Cost - $19 (AUD)
2. Fitness Australia 13 CECs - Online learning, with feedback and assessment. Upon completion, you will receive a personalized Certificate of Completion along with 13 Continuing Education Credits for your Registered Exercise Professional registration with Fitness Australia.
Cost - $198 (AUD)
The course contains:
- Training manual - PDF document 107 pages
- 28 videos (between 3-10 minutes in length)
- Assessment - 60 questions test (unlimited attempts), a short Fitness Australia Scope of Practice Quiz (5 questions) and a short Course Evaluation Quiz
Sample course video:
Members Area including self-directed course - $19 Aud
After you pay the $19 Aud fee, you will be taken to a page that contains the password to the Members Area page. There you will have access to the course content and more.
13 CECs GRK Online Course - $198 Aud
Super offer for Personal Trainers!
Get a pair of MG Gym Rings valued at $ 118 USD = $175 Aud and the 13 CECs GRK Online Course valued at $198 Aud for only $269 Aud (save $104 Aud)